Work-Family Conflict

Office Stress: His vs. Hers
By Lauren Weber and Sue Shellenbarger
The Wall Street Journal - Health & Wellness
4th March 2013

Do Women Like Child Care More Than Men? 
By Tara Parker-Pope
The New York Times - Well Column
22nd March 2012
  • Women reported statistically significant higher levels of enjoyment than men with regards to child care. The only parenting issue that gave women less pleasure than it gave men was having to manage who does what for the child.
  • Steven Rhoads, a University of Virginia political-science professor and the study’s lead author, surmised that some women may have inflated their enjoyment scores because of feelings of guilt or cultural pressure. But he also said some research suggests that a woman’s parenting skills are deeply rooted in biology.
  •  Women are also far more likely to take advantage of family-leave benefits to care for children.
  • In the end, perhaps the issue is not that mothers are overburdened by their children — my husband was right when he said I liked being a mom — but that men, for all their progress as fathers, are still missing out.

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